"We’re a rock band that hates rock ‘n’ roll,” says MNNQNS (pronounced mannequins) frontman Adrian D'Epinay. That...
17,90 €
18,90 € Saatavilla 0 kpl
MGT = Mark Gemini Twaite, The Mission kitaristi, joka palkkasi erilaisia muusikoita soittamaan levylleen. Hän halusi tehdä hard rock-levyn ja kutsui ystäviään...
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
A very "MGMT MGMT album" which the band describes as "a group of songs about love and change, first and foremost." Descriptors from the band include: bold, flavorful, playful, sincere, optimistic, perceptive. Loss...
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Led by MC5 founding member Wayne Kramer and produced by the iconic Bob Ezrin, 'Heavy Lifting' signifies a momentous occasion - the release of...
18,90 €
19,90 € Saatavilla 0 kpl
Led by MC5 founding member Wayne Kramer and produced by the iconic Bob Ezrin, 'Heavy Lifting' signifies a momentous occasion - the release of...
23,90 €
24,90 € Saatavilla 0 kpl
Before joining the original line-up of Whitesnake, Bernie Marsden had already enjoyed an...
15,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Before joining the original line-up of Whitesnake, Bernie Marsden had already enjoyed a varied career having been in Wild Turkey, Cozy...
15,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
"M.O.T.O. (aka. Masters Of The Obvious) on yhtä kuin Paul Caporino, New Orleansista kotoisin oleva elävä garage punkin legenda ja työmyyrä, joka...
10,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Englantilaislaulaja Låpsleyn odotettu toinen albumi Through Water julkaistaan 20. maaliskuuta. Låpsleyn debyyttialbumi ilmeistyi artistin ollessa...
16,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Låpsley (a.k.a. Holly Fletcher) on XL Recordingsin uusin suursatsaus. Odotettu debyyttialbumi "Long Way Home" sisältää uusia versioita hänen...
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Irish dark pop sensation LYRA announces her highly anticipated debut album 'LYRA'. Hailing from County Cork, LYRA has rapidly become one of Ireland's standout...
14,90 €
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17,90 €
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17,90 €
Saatavilla -1 kpl
On August 21, 1976, Lynyrd Skynyrd took the stage at Knebworth Park in England as part of a daylong festival that also included...
25,90 €
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- Lynyrd Skynyrd on täällä taas! Uusi julkaisu kantaa nimeä "Gods & Guns" ja on seuraaja edelliselle, vuonna 2003 julkaistulle kokopitkälle.
19,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Southern by the Grace of God indeed. On October 13, Geffen/UMe Recordings is set to release FYFTY, a 4CD/digital 50th anniversary box set that...
105,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Plunging into the glittering American darkness, unconvicted felon Jackie Lynn becomes new Queen of the Highway, Jaqueline, dancing through new...
17,90 €
18,90 € Saatavilla 0 kpl
The time has come. After three EPs, sell-out UK tours, and a rapidly developing cult-leader status, the unapologetically uncategorisable Lynks - now...
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Pirouetting on decadence, meeting eyes with a dizzy sensation, falling and flying at the same time—Lust for Youth have continually held...
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Kööpenhaminalaistrio Lust For Youth keräsi mainetta kahden vuoden takaisella
"International"-levyllään. Nyt kolmikko...
"International"-levyllään. Nyt kolmikko...
15,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Oakland, CA mainstays Lunchbox are back with "Pop and Circumstance," an explosive new album draws on influences from both sides of...
13,90 €
14,90 € Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lunatic Soul's eponymous debut album was originally released in 2008 to widespread acclaim within the prog music...
14,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lumberjacksien viimeisin savotta on saatu kunnialla päätökseen ja nyt julkaistaan yhtyeen tuorein albumi "Shake 'em Roots". Eteläpohjalainen...
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Throughout her career, Lulu has worked with some of the best in the business. In the space of...
87,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Since Lukather had a number of songs written that did not appear on Toto albums, he decided to pursue a solo album at the time the band took...
12,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Brittiläinen LUH julkaisee debyyttialbuminsa 6. toukokuuta. Sanoista Lost Under Heaven muodostuva LUH pyysi ja sai levyn tuottajaksi...
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
A reissue of the first EP by the psychedelic rock band "Lucid Void"
16,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lowlives isn’t so much about carefully stoking the embers as pouring on gasoline with merry impetuosity. With vocalist Lee Downer and drummer...
21,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
The fourth album from Lower Dens, The Competition is a pop album with a concept both emotionally and politically urgent, dealing with modern...
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Nick Lowe returns with Indoor Safari, his first studio album in over a decade. Backed on every track by Nick's trusted collaborators Los...
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Focusing on their craft, staying out of the fray, and holding fast their faith to find new ways to express the discord and delight of being alive, to...
16,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
On September 14th, in the faithfully defiant fashion of their 25-year career, Low will release Double Negative, its most brazen, abrasive (and, paradoxically, most...
16,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
- Vuodesta 1993 kasassa olleen indiebändin ura on ennättänyt peräti yhdeksänteen studioalbumiinsa.
"C´mon" on...
"C´mon" on...
12,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Two interesting soundtrack albums from the sixties written and performed by John B. Sebastian and the Lovin’ Spoonful, a...
12,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
The story of Loverboy is akin to a Hollywood movie. Overcoming rejection to eventually become one of Canada's most successful rock bands...
21,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
DAVE EDMUNDS’ importance in the history of Welsh rock music cannot be understated. In the 70’s he...
19,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
The Love Language is a fortunate by-product of frontman North Carolina native Stuart McLamb's rudderless mid-20s, where a tempest of...
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
The Love Language’s Baby Grand has its share of breakup songs—nobody writes those better than Stuart McLamb—but this time, even as something...
15,90 €
17,90 € Saatavilla 0 kpl
High Moon Records presents the final studio album from one of rock music's most gifted and enigmatic legends. expanded with 12 bonus tracks and...
37,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Black Beauty, the never-before-released masterpiece by Arthur Lee’s legendary band Love is making its first-ever official release in any format, anywhere! Chosen...
35,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
With Between Time, the third album Steve Louw has delivered in as many years, he explores those moments that fall just outside the strict...
21,90 €
22,90 € Saatavilla 0 kpl
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