CD:t - Pop/Rock | 8raita


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MNNQNS - Body negative CD
Fat Cat Records
"We’re a rock band that hates rock ‘n’ roll,” says MNNQNS (pronounced mannequins) frontman Adrian D'Epinay. That... 
17,90 €
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
MGT - Volumes
MGT = Mark Gemini Twaite, The Mission kitaristi, joka palkkasi erilaisia muusikoita soittamaan levylleen. Hän halusi tehdä hard rock-levyn ja kutsui ystäviään... 
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
MGMT - Loss of life CD
A very "MGMT MGMT album" which the band describes as "a group of songs about love and change, first and foremost." Descriptors from the band include: bold, flavorful, playful, sincere, optimistic, perceptive. Loss... 
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
MGMT - Little dark age CD
Sony Music
15,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
MC5 - Kick out the jams CD
Warner Music
10,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
MC5 - Heavy lifting CD
Ear Music
Led by MC5 founding member Wayne Kramer and produced by the iconic Bob Ezrin, 'Heavy Lifting' signifies a momentous occasion - the release of... 
18,90 €
19,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
MC5 - Heavy lifting 2CD
Ear Music
Led by MC5 founding member Wayne Kramer and produced by the iconic Bob Ezrin, 'Heavy Lifting' signifies a momentous occasion - the release of... 
23,90 €
24,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Before joining the original line-up of Whitesnake, Bernie Marsden had already enjoyed an... 
15,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Before joining the original line-up of Whitesnake, Bernie Marsden had already enjoyed a varied career having been in Wild Turkey, Cozy... 
15,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
M83 - Junk CD
19,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
M.O.T.O. - No sleep 'til Turku
Blast Of Silence
"M.O.T.O. (aka. Masters Of The Obvious) on yhtä kuin Paul Caporino, New Orleansista kotoisin oleva elävä garage punkin legenda ja työmyyrä, joka... 
10,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
M. Ward - What a wonderful industry CD
Merge Records
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
M Ward - Duets for Guitar #2 CD
16,90 €
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Låpsley - Through water CD
XL Recordings
Englantilaislaulaja Låpsleyn odotettu toinen albumi Through Water julkaistaan 20. maaliskuuta. Låpsleyn debyyttialbumi ilmeistyi artistin ollessa... 
16,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Låpsley - Long way home CD
XL Recordings
Låpsley (a.k.a. Holly Fletcher) on XL Recordingsin uusin suursatsaus. Odotettu debyyttialbumi "Long Way Home" sisältää uusia versioita hänen... 
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lyra - Lyra CD
Irish dark pop sensation LYRA announces her highly anticipated debut album 'LYRA'. Hailing from County Cork, LYRA has rapidly become one of Ireland's standout... 
14,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lyon Shannon - My throat is soar
19,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Street survivor CD
11,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Second helping CD
11,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Live at Knebworth '76 DVD+CD
On August 21, 1976, Lynyrd Skynyrd took the stage at Knebworth Park in England as part of a daylong festival that also included... 
25,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lynyrd Skynyrd - God & guns CD
Warner Music
- Lynyrd Skynyrd on täällä taas! Uusi julkaisu kantaa nimeä "Gods & Guns" ja on seuraaja edelliselle, vuonna 2003 julkaistulle kokopitkälle. 
19,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Fyfty 4CD
Southern by the Grace of God indeed. On October 13, Geffen/UMe Recordings is set to release FYFTY, a 4CD/digital 50th anniversary box set that... 
105,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lynne, Shelby - Shelby Lynne CD
17,90 €
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lynne Shelby & Allison Moorer - Not dark yet
17,90 €
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lynn, Jackie - Jacqueline CD
Drag City
Plunging into the glittering American darkness, unconvicted felon Jackie Lynn becomes new Queen of the Highway, Jaqueline, dancing through new... 
17,90 €
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lynks - Abomination CD
Heavenly Recordings
The time has come. After three EPs, sell-out UK tours, and a rapidly developing cult-leader status, the unapologetically uncategorisable Lynks - now... 
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lymbic System - Split stones CD
Western Vinyl
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lykke Li - I never learn CD
Warner Music
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lykke Li - Eyeye CD
17,90 €
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lust for Youth - Lust for Youth CD
Sacred Bones
Pirouetting on decadence, meeting eyes with a dizzy sensation, falling and flying at the same time—Lust for Youth have continually held... 
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lust For Youth - Compassion CD
Sacred Bones
Kööpenhaminalaistrio Lust For Youth keräsi mainetta kahden vuoden takaisella
"International"-levyllään. Nyt kolmikko... 
15,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lushes - Service industry CD
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lush - Spooky CD
16,90 €
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lush - Split CD
16,90 €
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lush - Lovelife CD
16,90 €
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lundell, Ulf - Telegram CD
19,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lundell, Ulf - Cirkus: Corona CD
Warner Music
19,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lunchbox - Pop and circumstance CD
Oakland, CA mainstays Lunchbox are back with "Pop and Circumstance," an explosive new album draws on influences from both sides of... 
13,90 €
14,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lunch Lady - Angel CD
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lunatic Soul - Walking on a flashlight beam (Digipak)
K Scope
12,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lunatic Soul - Lunatic Soul II
K Scope
12,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lunatic Soul - Lunatic Soul CD
K Scope
Lunatic Soul's eponymous debut album was originally released in 2008 to widespread acclaim within the prog music... 
14,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lunatic Soul - Fractured
K Scope
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lunatic Souil - Impressions CD
K Scope
12,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
-11 %
Lump - Lump
Dead Oceans
15,90 €
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lumineers - Lumineers
9,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lumberjacks - Shake 'em roots
Lumberjacksien viimeisin savotta on saatu kunnialla päätökseen ja nyt julkaistaan yhtyeen tuorein albumi "Shake 'em Roots". Eteläpohjalainen... 
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
-11 %
Luluc - Sculptor CD
Sub Pop
15,90 €
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lulu - Decade 1967-1977 5CD
Throughout her career, Lulu has worked with some of the best in the business. In the space of... 
87,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lulu - Decade 1967-1975 5CD
42,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lukather, Steve - Lukather CD
Music On CD
Since Lukather had a number of songs written that did not appear on Toto albums, he decided to pursue a solo album at the time the band took... 
12,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Luh - Spiritual songs for lovers to sing
Mute Records
Brittiläinen LUH julkaisee debyyttialbuminsa 6. toukokuuta. Sanoista Lost Under Heaven muodostuva LUH pyysi ja sai levyn tuottajaksi... 
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lucy In Blue - In flight CD
17,90 €
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lucky Souls - Hard lines
17,90 €
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lucius - Second nature CD
 Second Nature Recordings
16,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lucid Void - Saat CD
A reissue of the first EP by the psychedelic rock band "Lucid Void" 
16,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lucette - Deluxe hotel room CD
Thirty Tigers
18,90 €
19,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lowtide - Southern mind
17,90 €
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lowly - Hifalutin CD
Bella Union
17,90 €
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lowly - Heba
Bella Union
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lowlives - Freaking out CD
Lowlives isn’t so much about carefully stoking the embers as pouring on gasoline with merry impetuosity. With vocalist Lee Downer and drummer... 
21,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lower Than Atlantis - Safe in sound
 Cooking Vinyl
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lower Dens - The Competition CD
Ribbon Music
The fourth album from Lower Dens, The Competition is a pop album with a concept both emotionally and politically urgent, dealing with modern... 
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lowe, Nick - Indoor safari CD
Yep Roc Records
Nick Lowe returns with Indoor Safari, his first studio album in over a decade. Backed on every track by Nick's trusted collaborators Los... 
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lowe RG - Slow time
Western Vinyl
15,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lowe Nick - The rose of England
Yep Roc Records
17,90 €
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lowe Nick - The abominable showman
Yep Roc Records
17,90 €
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lowe Nick - Nick the knife
Yep Roc Records
17,90 €
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lowe Nick - Nick Lowe and his cowboy outfit
Yep Roc Records
17,90 €
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Low Cut Connie - Dirty pictures (Part I)
17,90 €
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Low - The invisible way CD
Sub Pop
16,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Low - The great destroyer CD
12,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Low - Ones and sixes CD
Sub Pop
16,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Low - Hey what CD
Sub Pop
Focusing on their craft, staying out of the fray, and holding fast their faith to find new ways to express the discord and delight of being alive, to... 
16,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Low - Drums and guns CD
Sub Pop
12,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Low - Double negative CD
Sub Pop
On September 14th, in the faithfully defiant fashion of their 25-year career, Low will release Double Negative, its most brazen, abrasive (and, paradoxically, most... 
16,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Low - C'mon CD
Sub Pop
- Vuodesta 1993 kasassa olleen indiebändin ura on ennättänyt peräti yhdeksänteen studioalbumiinsa.
"C´mon" on... 
12,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lovin' Spoonful -What's up tiger lily/You're a big boy now CD
Music On CD
Two interesting soundtrack albums from the sixties written and performed by John B. Sebastian and the Lovin’ Spoonful, a... 
12,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Loverboy - Live in '82 CD+Bluray
Ear Music
The story of Loverboy is akin to a Hollywood movie. Overcoming rejection to eventually become one of Canada's most successful rock bands... 
21,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lovely Little Girls - Glistening vivid splash
19,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Loveless Lydia - Real
Bloodshoot Records
17,90 €
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Love Sculpture - Forms and feelings (Remastered and expanded) CD
DAVE EDMUNDS’ importance in the history of Welsh rock music cannot be understated. In the 70’s he... 
19,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Love Mike - Reason for the season
17,90 €
18,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Love Language - Libraries (Reissue)
Merge Records
The Love Language is a fortunate by-product of frontman North Carolina native Stuart McLamb's rudderless mid-20s, where a tempest of... 
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
-11 %
Love Language - Baby grand
Merge Records
The Love Language’s Baby Grand has its share of breakup songs—nobody writes those better than Stuart McLamb—but this time, even as something... 
15,90 €
17,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Love - Reel to real CD
High Moon Records presents the final studio album from one of rock music's most gifted and enigmatic legends. expanded with 12 bonus tracks and... 
37,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Love - Forever changes (+7) CD
Warner Music
10,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Love - Black beauty CD
Black Beauty, the never-before-released masterpiece by Arthur Lee’s legendary band Love is making its first-ever official release in any format, anywhere! Chosen... 
35,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lovato, Demi - Revamped CD
19,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lovato, Demi - Holy fvck CD
16,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Lovato Demi - Tell me you love me (Deluxe)
21,90 €
22,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Louw, Steve - Between time 2CD
With Between Time, the third album Steve Louw has delivered in as many years, he explores those moments that fall just outside the strict... 
21,90 €
22,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Louise Lemon - A broken heart is an open heart 2CD
18,90 €
19,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl
Louden Swain - Suit and tie
19,90 €
Saatavilla 0 kpl