Vinyl | 8raita


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Sweet, Ian - Shapeshifter LP
Hardly Art
27,90 €
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Walker, Ryley - Golden sings that have been sung LP
Ryley Walker is pleased to announce his new album, Golden Sings That Have Been Sung, coming out August 19th on Dead... 
26,90 €
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Wild Beasts - Boy king LP
27,90 €
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Woods - Love is love LP
Woodsist Records
27,90 €
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Radiohead - A moon shaped pool 2LP
XL Recordings
RADIOHEAD ON PALANNUT! Muutaman vuoden hiljaiselon jälkeen brittibändi julkaisee uutta musiikkia. Uusi albumi on odotettu seuraaja vuoden... 
34,90 €
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Radiohead - Kid A 2LP
XL Recordings
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37,90 €
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Radiohead - Pablo honey LP
XL Recordings
32,90 €
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Radiohead - Amnesiac 2LP
XL Recordings
Levy-yhtiö: Warner
EAN: 724353276423... 
37,90 €
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Radiohead - The bends LP
XL Recordings
32,90 €
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Radiohead - Hail to the thief 2LP
XL Recordings
37,90 €
Available 2 pcs
Rival Sons - Hollow bones (Green) LP
Earache Records
Tämän päivän musiikki maailmassa on vain muutamia nimiä, jotka kuuluvat osastoon Maailman Parasta Rock Musiikkia ja tähän osastoon... 
34,90 €
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Sleater-Kinney - Dig me out LP
Sub Pop
27,90 €
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Sleater-Kinney - The woods 2LP
Sub Pop
39,90 €
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The Stone Roses - Turns into stone LP
Music On Vinyl
The Stone Roses were the leaders of the Britain's late eighties' Madchester scene, merging Pop, Dance and Indie Rock in a seemingly effortless... 
29,90 €
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Samaris - Black lights LP
One Little Indian
Written and recorded over the past year in Berlin, Reykjavik and Ireland, ‘Black Lights’ is the Icelandic trio’s most fully realised and... 
24,90 €
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Silent Scream - Carrion screaming LP
Stupido Records
Helsinkiläinen postpunktrio Silent Scream palaa kolmannella albumillaan Carrion Screaming. Albumi sekoittaa yhtyeen 80-lukulaista äänimaailmaa... 
22,90 €
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Seratones - Get gone LP
Fat Possum
Seratones are beasts of the Southern wild. The four-piece rock band, hailing from Shreveport, Louisiana, play rocking, swinging, soul-stirring tunes... 
24,90 €
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Spookyland - Beauty already beautiful LP
Mike Mogis on Spookyland Marcus Gordonin johdolla. He tekivät upean albumin, voi verrata Nick Caveen ja Bob Dylaniin, mutta tämä on... 
24,90 €
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Sonic Youth - Washing machine 2LP
39,90 €
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Sonic Youth - Dirty 2LP
39,90 €
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Sonic Youth - Goo LP
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34,90 €
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Weezer - Weezer (Blue album) LP
34,90 €
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Suede - Suede LP
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29,90 €
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Suede - Head music 2LP
Toimitusaika: 1 - 2 viikkoa... 
32,90 €
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Suede - Dog man star 2LP
42,90 €
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Suede - Coming up LP
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35,90 €
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Suede - A new morning LP
29,90 €
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Soundgarden - Badmotorfinger LP
37,90 €
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Weezer - Pinkerton LP
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34,90 €
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Weezer - Pinkerton (MOFI) LP
Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab
Digital clone of original digital master... 
69,90 €
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Springsteen, Bruce - Born in the U.S.A. LP
Sony Music
25,90 €
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Springsteen, Bruce - Born to run LP
25,90 €
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Soundgarden - King animal 2LP
- Viidentoista vuoden odotus on päättymässä, sillä Soundgarden julkaisee uuden studioalbuminsa ”King Animal” ensi... 
49,90 €
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Vanderslice, John - Dagger beach LP
Dead Oceans
21,90 €
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Screaming Trees - Dust LP
Music On Vinyl
Screaming Trees is considered to be one of the Godfathers of Grunge. Although they were one of... 
29,90 €
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Screaming Trees - Uncle anesthesia LP
Music On Vinyl
After releasing three albums with Greg Ginn's underground label SST, Screaming Trees broke through in 1991 with Uncle Anesthesia on... 
29,90 €
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Soundgarden - Screaming life/Fopp 2LP
Sub Pop
39,90 €
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Queen - Greatest hits I 2LP
45,90 €
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Queen - Greatest hits II 2LP
45,90 €
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Queen - Queen LP
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34,90 €
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Queen - Queen II LP
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37,90 €
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Queen - Sheer heart attack LP
34,90 €
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Queen - A night at the opera LP
37,90 €
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Queen - A day at the races LP
36,90 €
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Queen - News of the world LP
36,90 €
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Queen - Jazz LP
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36,90 €
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Queen - The game LP
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36,90 €
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Queen - Flash Gordon LP
34,90 €
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Queen - Hot space LP
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32,90 €
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Queen - The works LP
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33,90 €
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Queen - A kind of magic LP
37,90 €
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Queen - Innuendo 2LP
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49,90 €
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Queen - Made in heaven 2LP
55,90 €
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The Who - Live at Leeds 3LP
55,90 €
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The Who - Tommy 2LP
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45,90 €
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-20 %
The Who - Quadrophenia 2LP
39,90 €
orig. price
49,90 €
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The Who - Live at Leeds LP
34,90 €
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The Who - Meaty, beaty & big & bouncy LP
34,90 €
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The Who - A quick one LP
34,90 €
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Status Quo - Aquostic (Stripped bare) 2LP
Ear Music
Status Quo yllättää fanien lisäksi myös itsensä ja julkaisee viidenkymmenen hard rock -vuotensa jälkeen täysin akustisen albumin. Aquostic... 
32,90 €
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The Strokes - Is this it LP
24,90 €
Available 3 pcs
The War On Drugs - Lost in the dream 2LP
Secretly Canadian
The War On Drugs, the Philadelphia-based project of Adam Granduciel, is set to release their third full-length album, the beautifully... 
39,90 €
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Wooden Shjips - West LP
Thrill Jockey
32,90 €
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The View - Ropewalk LP
 Cooking Vinyl
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27,90 €
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Rangda - The heretic's bargain LP
Drag City
Uusi supertrio, joka koostuu Ben Chasny Chris Corsano ja Sir Richard Bishop. Aivan kuten kaksi ensimmäistä, tutkii pop musiikin reunamia. 
22,90 €
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The War On Drugs - Slave ambient 2LP
Secretly Canadian
39,90 €
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The War On Drugs - Wagonwheel blues LP
Secretly Canadian
30,90 €
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Simon, Paul - Stranger to stranger LP
Paul Simon julkaisee 13. sooloalbuminsa Stranger to Stranger kesäkuun 3. päivä. Albumin ensimmäinen single on radioille jo... 
31,90 €
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Sia - This is acting 2LP
Sony Music
Uudella levyllään This Is Acting Sia työskenteli pitkäaikaisen yhteistyökumppaninsa Greg Kurstinin kanssa. Tuottajana toimi Jesse Shaktin, joka... 
45,90 €
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Warpaint - Warpaint 2LP
Rough Trade
36,90 €
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Warpaint - The fool 2LP
Rough Trade
36,90 €
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Shearwater - Fellow travelers LP
Sub Pop
24,90 €
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Smith, Patti -Group - Easter LP
Sony Music
24,90 €
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Smith, Patti - Horses LP
Sony Music
24,90 €
Available 3 pcs
The Shins - Oh, inverted world LP
Sub Pop
28,90 €
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Red House Painters - Old Ramon 2LP
Sub Pop
Old Ramon, the sixth Red House Painters album, recorded in the fall of 1997 through the spring of 1998, was intended for release that... 
39,90 €
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Whitney - Light upon the lake LP
Secretly Canadian
Ascendant Chicago band Whitneyhave announced their debut album, Light Upon the Lake, due out June 3rd on Secretly Canadian. This follows... 
30,90 €
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Wild Palms - Live together, eat each other LP
One Little Indian
22,90 €
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Range - Potential LP
More details 
27,90 €
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Suuns - Hold/still LP
Secretly Canadian
Hold/Still, the third studio album from Suuns, is an enigmatic thing: an eerily beautiful, meticulously played suite of music that embraces opposites... 
26,90 €
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Suuns - Hold/still (Limited Edition) LP
Secretly Canadian
Hold/Still, the third studio album from Suuns, is an enigmatic thing: an eerily beautiful, meticulously played suite of music that... 
22,90 €
Available 1 pc
White Lung - Paradise LP
Noin kaksi vuotta sitten "Deep Fantasy" -debyytillään kansainvälisen ja suomalaisen musiikkimedian sydämiin tiensä raivannut kanadalainen punk-partio... 
27,90 €
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Weeping Willows - Tomorrow became today LP
25,90 €
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Wild Nothing - Life of pause LP
Bella Union
Jake Tatum, aka Wild Nothing, on Brooklynin kaveri, kuten Conor Oberst on nero. Musiikillisesti samaa koulua, kuin Bright Eyes. Nauhoitettu Tukholmassa... 
22,90 €
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Walker, Scott - Bish bosch 2LP+CD
37,90 €
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Starr, Ringo - Change the world 10"
17,90 €
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-11 %
U2 - Blackout 12"
Third Man Records
Record Store Day Black Friday -julkaisu. Myymättä jääneet levyt tulevat myyntiin nettikaupassa. The only physical release before the new album in... 
15,90 €
orig. price
17,90 €
Available 4 pcs
Tanner, Carter - Jettison the valley LP
Western Vinyl
24,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Smith, Kaitlyn Aurelia - Ears LP
Western Vinyl
"EARS" on kanadalaisen Kaitlyn Aurelia Smithin kolmas pitkäsoitto Western Vinylille. "EARS" on kaunista musiikkia, joka yhdistää orgaanisen... 
24,90 €
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Tacocat - Lost time LP
Hardly Art
Seattlelaisen Tacocatin kolmas albumi "Lost Time" ilmestyy 1. huhtikuuta. 
27,90 €
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Thompson, Teddy & Kelly Jones - Little windows LP
 Cooking Vinyl
27,90 €
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Velvet Underground - Live at Max's Kansas City 2LP
28,90 €
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Soulsavers - Kubrick LP+CD
24,90 €
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Shearwater - Jet plane and oxbow 2LP
Sub Pop
36,90 €
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Skunk Anansie - Anarchytechture LP
Ear Music
27,90 €
Available 1 pc