Drag City
Are Possible is a spark-throwing, undulating fusion of styles played (mainly) on banjo, upright bass and drums, made possible by...
42,90 €
Available 0 pcs
At the invitation of KPM Music, the wizard of Six Organs of Admittance steps behind his acoustic to produce a new instrumental guitar...
29,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Literally and metaphysical NEWness from seminal Detroit punks — life lessons from Death! Transcendence through screaming to your soul. Rock and roll!
24,90 €
Available 1 pc
Nearly twenty-five years after disbanding, Gastr del Sol have unpacked their archive, stringing together an alternative view...
99,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Opened up by the delirious alchemy of contemporary pop music, Sean O’Hagan leaps back into life with High Llamas, with a set of killer tunes...
40,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Following Second Time Around, Ghost repaired to the deserted temples and sacred places that inspired their early gestation, drawing on...
37,90 €
Available 1 pc
"America's Funnyman" sings again, exploring the highs and lows that life has to offer via a celeb-studded romp through classic songs...
27,90 €
Available 0 pcs
The Emmy-winning Comeback Kid himself comes back yet again with a blunt, brilliantly quotable stand-up special. Baby J takes the form of a...
47,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Summer 2020, and No Age are back out on the street! Effortlessly raw and extravagantly indulgent in one practiced swoop, they set their live/bedroom...
30,90 €
orig. price
32,90 € Available 0 pcs
Plunging into the glittering American darkness, unconvicted felon Jackie Lynn becomes new Queen of the Highway, Jaqueline, dancing through new...
27,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Love Rudiments is a meditation by Ty Segall on his first love: the drums. Known popularly as a singing guitar player, he generally starts...
39,90 €
Available 1 pc
Once again, Six Organs of Admittance showcases the intricate tangle of fingers on the fretboard and flash of lens flare slicing...
34,90 €
Available 0 pcs
A fifteen song cycle that takes a journey to the center of the self. Ty’s been on this kind of trip before, so he’s souped up a vehicle that’s...
45,90 €
Available 1 pc
Tossing down straight acoustic shots with electric guitar back, "Hello, Hi" rides through the valley of yer ol' Canyon legends, finding an...
28,90 €
Available 1 pc
The new space-rock album from Sun Araw is offered in a spirit of generosity and adventure. This music keeps moving, zooming in on funk and rock...
27,90 €
Available 0 pcs
A stack of raw germs designed by Ty Segall to be blown up in the world! In other words, scads of the demos that...
47,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Laughing Matter offers bits of fuzzy parable, travel diary, pep talk and lullaby, amid a joyous, eclectic sense of pastiche and ascendant choruses. Wand...
30,90 €
orig. price
32,90 € Available 0 pcs
Until now, thee secret pride of Aurora Illinois only had one blissfully stoney single to represent —1976's "Watcher's Brawl" b/w...
29,90 €
Available 1 pc
Paitsi että hän kiersi koko vuoden 2015, hän myös julkaisi levyjä, sekä omissa nimissään, että Fuzz bändinsä kanssa. Tämä ei...
29,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Uusi supertrio, joka koostuu Ben Chasny Chris Corsano ja Sir Richard Bishop. Aivan kuten kaksi ensimmäistä, tutkii pop musiikin reunamia.
22,90 €
Available 1 pc
20th Anniversary Pressing, half-speed-mastering. *Bill Callahan*
28,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Xylouris White's fourth installment of progressive Cretan lute compositions present the sounds of the lute, George Xylouris' vocals and...
27,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Death after Death from the young men who would be punk before punk. They debuted as The 4th Movement with this private-press Christian...
28,90 €
Available 0 pcs
December 2001, Maida Vale: Bill Callahan’s “Smog” perform with demonstrative zeal...
36,90 €
orig. price
37,90 € Available 0 pcs
Callahan comes alive in Chicago, with Jim White, Matt Kinsey and special guests Nick Mazzarella, Pascal Kerong'A, Nathaniel Ballinger and...
52,90 €
Available 1 pc
“Jim’s big green eyes search for the right tool (mallet, brush, etc), search you like you’re a song he wants to see if he can...
37,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Furling moves through the breadth of Meg's musical fascinations and the environments around them – edges of memory, daydreams spanning years, loose...
29,90 €
Available 0 pcs
From the beautiful to the jarring, intrepid explorer Callahan charts a passage through all kinds of territory, pitting dreams of dreams...
49,90 €
Available 2 pcs
Bill & Bonny shared these songs with a travel-challenged world through late 2020 into earlier this year; now...
47,90 €
Available 0 pcs
The official re-release of this psych-folk masterpiece, circa 1973, comes equipped to satisfy with two bonus tracks. Take a hit of Red...
34,90 €
Available 1 pc
A meetings of minds and cultures well-suited to the Alasdair Roberts’ syncretic fervor: responding to the invitation...
27,90 €
Available 0 pcs
The combustive guitar/cello chemistry of MacKay and Kleijn is drawn from avant-rock, classical and experimental inspirations, forged...
29,90 €
Available 0 pcs
As you listen to Shepherd In a Sheepskin Vest, a feeling of totality, of completeness, steals over you, like a thief in...
32,90 €
Available 0 pcs
50 years since he wrote his first country hit, Chris Gantry is still living and singing like the outlaw he was then, along with Kris Kristofferson, while...
27,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Don't be fooled by names. Dub is a ghost, a duppy. Here are Dream River versions, killed and resurrected, spilling tales of the...
29,90 €
Available 0 pcs
...further along and down the road apiece from where she took her leave of us, Joanna Newsom plays on. Breathe deep and equalize your today-ears...
35,90 €
Available 1 pc
The first thing I remember about the recording of Bright Flight is that when we opened the door to Hum Depot's roller rink of a basement studio, the...
28,90 €
Available 1 pc
David Berman and Co. tear through 10 more numbers, loving you to the max the whole time. Jews fans rejoice, your master is back.
28,90 €
Available 1 pc
Well, "Salad Days" was taken and "Wild Turkey" sounds like an insult. These field recordings capture the birth of the Jews, from way back...
28,90 €
Available 0 pcs
"Starlite Walker was an Oxford, Mississippi record. David resided on the outskirts of town at the time. He was...
25,90 €
Available 1 pc
Extended guitar hero Oren Ambarchi returns with Shebang, the latest in the series of intricately detailed long-form rhythmic workouts that...
32,90 €
Available 1 pc
Ghost and The Silence's Masaki Batoh weaves a delicate, yet heavy web, winding acoustic patterns around undulating psychedelic choruses while...
32,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Are Possible is a spark-throwing, undulating fusion of styles played (mainly) on banjo, upright bass and drums, made possible by...
18,90 €
Available 0 pcs
At the invitation of KPM Music, the wizard of Six Organs of Admittance steps behind his acoustic to produce a new instrumental guitar...
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
The first Espers album in back in print and circulation and the world. As a trio with some featured guests Meg Baird, Greg Weeks and Brooke Sietinsons created...
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
In the wake of their celebrated first album, Espers recruited a few more members and set to making an album interpreting some of their favorite inspirational...
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
The title says it all: the sweetness of solo acoustic guitar (6- and 12-string) paired with the early flavor of a lifetime of moments, great and...
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
Nearly twenty-five years after disbanding, Gastr del Sol have unpacked their archive, stringing together an alternative view...
44,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Opened up by the delirious alchemy of contemporary pop music, Sean O’Hagan leaps back into life with High Llamas, with a set of killer tunes...
17,90 €
Available 0 pcs
"America's Funnyman" sings again, exploring the highs and lows that life has to offer via a celeb-studded romp through classic songs...
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
The Emmy-winning Comeback Kid himself comes back yet again with a blunt, brilliantly quotable stand-up special. Baby J takes the form of a...
17,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Plunging into the glittering American darkness, unconvicted felon Jackie Lynn becomes new Queen of the Highway, Jaqueline, dancing through new...
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
In and out of focus in a hallucinogenic haze, Bill's conversations with himself follow a travel-worn map copied over and over again. The...
18,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Summer 2020, and No Age are back out on the street! Effortlessly raw and extravagantly indulgent in one practiced swoop, they set their live/bedroom...
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
More details
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
Once again, Six Organs of Admittance showcases the intricate tangle of fingers on the fretboard and flash of lens flare slicing...
17,90 €
Available 0 pcs
A fifteen song cycle that takes a journey to the center of the self. Ty’s been on this kind of trip before, so he’s souped up a vehicle that’s...
18,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Tossing down straight acoustic shots with electric guitar back, "Hello, Hi" rides through the valley of yer ol' Canyon legends, finding an...
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
The new space-rock album from Sun Araw is offered in a spirit of generosity and adventure. This music keeps moving, zooming in on funk and rock...
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
A first taste of Ty? Hardly, but First Taste erects extreme new sonic skylines for Segall to soar over. His natural state of urgency is paired...
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
Paitsi että hän kiersi koko vuoden 2015, hän myös julkaisi levyjä, sekä omissa nimissään, että Fuzz bändinsä kanssa. Tämä ei...
18,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Laughing Matter offers bits of fuzzy parable, travel diary, pep talk and lullaby, amid a joyous, eclectic sense of pastiche and ascendant choruses. Wand...
18,90 €
orig. price
19,90 € Available 0 pcs
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
Xylouris White's fourth installment of progressive Cretan lute compositions present the sounds of the lute, George Xylouris' vocals and...
18,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Callahan comes alive in Chicago, with Jim White, Matt Kinsey and special guests Nick Mazzarella, Pascal Kerong'A, Nathaniel Ballinger and...
17,90 €
Available 0 pcs
“Jim’s big green eyes search for the right tool (mallet, brush, etc), search you like you’re a song he wants to see if he can...
17,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Furling moves through the breadth of Meg's musical fascinations and the environments around them – edges of memory, daydreams spanning years, loose...
18,90 €
Available 0 pcs
From the beautiful to the jarring, intrepid explorer Callahan charts a passage through all kinds of territory, pitting dreams of dreams against...
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
You heard it here first — it's the Gold Record we always knew Bill Callahan had in him! Last summer, he returned from a silence of...
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
The combustive guitar/cello chemistry of MacKay and Kleijn is drawn from avant-rock, classical and experimental inspirations, forged...
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
As you listen to Shepherd In a Sheepskin Vest, a feeling of totality, of completeness, steals over you, like a thief in...
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
50 years since he wrote his first country hit, Chris Gantry is still living and singing like the outlaw he was then, along with Kris Kristofferson, while...
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
Ten years have come and gone since Silver Jews, whose classic run was made somehow finite in 2009, when the voice himself, David...
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
- Smog-nimellä pitkään operoineen Bill Callahanin kolmas soolostudioalbumi kertoo, miten Ameriikan maa makaa nyt ja tulevaisuudessa.
"Apocalypse" on...
"Apocalypse" on...
17,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Don't be fooled by names. Dub is a ghost, a duppy. Here are Dream River versions, killed and resurrected, spilling tales of the...
17,90 €
Available 0 pcs
- Amerikkalaisen singer-songwriterin neljäs studioalbumi. Kahdeksan biisiä kertoo tarinoita matkan varrelta lipuessaan pitkin unenomaisia maisemia. Musiikilliset...
17,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Back in '73: invited by ol' JC (that's Mister Cash to you and me) to chill out and cut some tracks at his country manor, our hero...
17,90 €
orig. price
18,90 € Available 0 pcs
A warm, acoustic return from Scotland's finest singer of traditional songs. And maybe the world's. These songs however, are personal. All...
18,90 €
Available 0 pcs
- Odotettu seuraaja vuonna 2006 ilmestyneelle, taivaisiin kehutulle, "Ys" -albumille!
24,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Extended guitar hero Oren Ambarchi returns with Shebang, the latest in the series of intricately detailed long-form rhythmic workouts that...
17,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Ghost and The Silence's Masaki Batoh weaves a delicate, yet heavy web, winding acoustic patterns around undulating psychedelic choruses while...
17,90 €
Available 0 pcs