8raidan uutiskirje 9.1.2020
8raidan uutiskirje 9.01.2020
Tammikuun tärkeimmät julkaisut ja kuukauden levy.
| JONI EKMAN – SINULLE... "Hitaammin, vähemmän, pehmeämmin" Näin alkoi Joni Ekmanin haastattelu Rumbassa muutama vuosi sitten. Aikaa on nyt kulunut, ja vaikka kaasu on ollut siitä asti pohjassa, siihen tulee nyt muutos. Monet vuodet punk-bändeissä veivanneena Ekman kaipaa aina silloin tällöin pieniä irtiottoja. Joskus siihen riitti melodinen nössöpunk (Lähtevät Kaukojunat), hämyinen avaruusrock (Johnny Ekman & U.R.O.) tai ehta boogierock (Joni Ekman & Koira), mutta nyt kaivattiin jotain harkitumpaa. Edellinen sooloalbumi "3: Uneton Tampereella" (2017) päätti puolivahingossa syntyneen rock-trilogian, mikä tarkoitti sitä että se polku on nyt, ainakin toistaiseksi, kuljettu ja jotain uutta piti keksiä. Haaveet AOR- ja yacht rock -albumista ottivat tuulta alleen, ja seuraavan levyn kanssa ei pidetty kiirettä. Syntyi albumi, jota Joni Ekman ei vielä ollut tehnyt. Syntyi siis uusi soololevy, "Sinulle...", joka edustaa kevyintä ja silotelluinta linjaa hänen tuotannossaan tähän asti. Menetetty rakkaus, pitkäaikaistyöttömyys ja välinpitämättömyys toisia kohtaan ovat albumin keskeisiä teemoja. Mukana myös pitkä ja mehevä instrumentaalipala, josta ei kitaratunnelmointia puutu. Keikoilla Joni Ekman tullaan näkemään Siivet -yhtyeensä kanssa. Stemmalaulu ja korukitarat ovat keskeinen osa bändin livesoundia.
Yhtyeessä musisoivat:
Julkaisupäivä: 17.1.2010 | PINTANDWEFALL – YOUR STORIES BABY Soliti is delighted to welcome Pintandwefall to the Soliti label family. Pintandwefall return with a new single and video - ‘Ah-Ah-Ah’ - the first taste from their forthcoming sixth album, Your Stories Baby (Release date: 17.1.2020). ‘Ah-Ah-Ah’ is officially released on the 6th December 2019. "We have a stubborn need to write music together because we love it. Our sixth album was recorded over three weekend sessions. On the first day of each session we would teach each other the new songs, and on the second our producer would press the rec button already. This was how we were able to preserve the raw joy of new music in each take. Your Stories Baby has been made with love of this adventure. |
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Julkaisupäivä: 24.1.2020 | LASTEN HAUTAUSMAA – IV Jo debyyttilevyllään monen kestosuosikiksi noussut Lasten Hautausmaa julkaisee järjestyksessään neljännen levynsä tammikuussa. Levyä valmisteltiin rauhassa kahdeksan kuukauden keikkatauon aikana. Tällä kertaa koko kuusihenkinen bändi osallistui sävellys- ja sovitustyöhön, mikä kuuluu yhtenäisempänä soittona, stemmoina ja isompana soundina. Muutoksena aiempaan on myös se, että kyseessä on yhtyeen ensimmäinen todellinen studioalbumi. Lasten Hautausmaa odotti näet neljänteen pitkäsoittoon asti, mennäkseen oikeaan studioon nauhoittamaan täyspitkää levyä. Aiemmin äänitykset ovat hoituneet yhtyeen omassa treenikämppästudiossa. Nyt nauhoituspaikaksi valikoitui SF Sound Studio Joensuussa ja ajankohdaksi juhannus, mikä toi omaa taikansa äänityksiin, kun paikan yllä kiertäneet ukkosmyrskyt koettelivat äänittäjän hermoja. Ottoja kellotettiin lopulta lähestyvien ukkosrintamamien mukaan. |
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| PK KERÄNEN – SEROBI SONGS PK Keräsen ensimmäinen soololevy Serobi Songs julkaistaan 31.1. - Halusin selvittää, osaanko oikeastaan laulaa ollenkaan! Menestysyhtye 22-Pistepirkkojen laulaja-kitaristina tunnetulta PK Keräseltä julkaistaan 31.1. soololevy. Albumilla Serobi Songs Keränen operoi oivaltavana duona omaleimaisen jazzmuusikko Valtteri Pöyhösen kanssa. Dalindéo ja Ricky-Tick Big Band –yhtyeiden nokkamiehenä tunnettu Pöyhönen täydentää nerokkaasti Keräsen rämisevää kitarointia sekä vangitsevista melodioista pauhaaviin riffeihin räjähtäviä kappaleita. |
| PET SHOP BOYS - HOTSPOT Pet Shop Boys today announce details of their highly anticipated new studio album, “Hotspot”, which will be released on January 24th 2020 on x2 Records/Kobalt. “Hotspot” was mostly recorded in Hansa Studios, Berlin, and mixed in The Record Plant, Los Angeles. It was produced and mixed by Stuart Price and features ten brand new Tennant/Lowe tracks including the single “Dreamland” featuring Years & Years, which was released in September. Another of the songs, “Burning the heather”, features Bernard Butler on guitar and was recorded at RAK Studios in London.
| DESTROYER – HAVE WE MET Have We Met, as Bejar puts it, ‘came together in such a crazy way – all equal parts ecstasy and terror’. Initially conceived (but quickly ditched) as a Y2K album, Bejar was without a clear concept in mind. So he said “fuck it” and let it all rip while brainstorming at home. Culled from years’ worth of saved writing, set aside for projects “beyond music,” and recorded at his kitchen table, Have We Met harkens back to Kaputt-era Bejar stringing together lyrics off hand while lounging on his couch. The resulting vocal sound exists in the sweet spot between two Destroyer worlds colliding: hints of the past, more strident Destroyer mixed in with a relaxed, new-aged Crooning one. No re-recording. No cleaning up. The Destroyer band-orientated approach was shelved and frequent collaborator John Collins was tasked with the role of layering synth and rhythm sections over a stream-of-consciousness Bejar, as Nic Bragg added ‘completely unexpected and somehow comforting’ three-dimensional, shredding guitar. |
Julkaisupäivä: 24.1.2020 | THE BLACK LIPS – SINGS IN A WORLD THAT'S FALLING APART It’s country music but not as we know it which begs the question: Have these Bad Kids of 21st Century rock ’n’ roll finally grown up on their ninth studio album? Are they at peace with themselves? Have they made a record their parents could listen to? The Black Lips new album ‘Sing In A World That’s Falling Apart’ and new single ‘Gentleman’ both continue to flick the middle finger to one and all. This ain’t another gaggle of bearded southern sons fleeing their collective suburban upbringings and collegiate music education. There aren’t the usual clichés about drinking, honkytonks, and heartbreak. These are, after all, the same Black Lips who rescued the waning garage punk subgenre by not sounding or dressing their musical predecessors. They also dug contemporary hip-hop and punk and actualized themselves Like so many dramatic moments in the Black Lips career, ‘Sing In A World That’s Falling Apart’ was born out of crisis. The band’s stylistic evolution through decades of prolific touring and recording took them where no garage punk band had gone before – huge venues, network television shows, and major music festivals. Here Black Lips are at their grimiest, most dangerous and equipped with the best collection of songs since the aughts. Skidding onto the asphalt in a shower of sparks, they roll on with an unapologetic southern-fried twang, pacing the beast, every now and then dropping a psycho howl into the rubber room madness lurking underneath the truckstop fireworks. This ain’t your granny’s country album. And conversely this ain’t your mama’s Black Lips. |
| WOLF PARADE – THIN MIND Every moment spent gazing at our screens is oversaturated with content, an ever-accelerated news cycle conditioning our ever-decreasing attention spans. The struggle to stay present, and to foresee a clear, sustainable future, feels very real. Wolf Parade address this phenomenon head-on with Thin Mind, the band’s 5th full-length and second to be produced by John Goodmanson (Bikini Kill, Sleater-Kinney, Unwound). “Thin Mind refers to the way that being around too much tech has made our focus thin,” says keyboardist Spencer Krug. “It’s opening one more page, scrolling one more thing,” adds guitarist Dan Boeckner, “and the weird, sort-of hollow automaton feeling that you get from it.” “This record is very personal, but at the same time, we’re all coming from the same place of a general sense of anxiety,” says drummer Arlen Thompson. “How do you deal with the constant barrage of having your opinions swayed by all these different actors when you don’t know who they are or what their purpose is? There is no normal anymore.” |
| ANDY SHAUF – NEON SKYLINE Few artists are storytellers as deft and disarmingly observational as Andy Shauf. The Toronto-based, Saskatchewan-raised musician's songs unfold like short fiction: they're densely layered with colorful characters and a rich emotional depth. On his new album The Neon Skyline (out January 24 via ANTI-), he sets a familiar scene of inviting a friend for beers on the opening title track: "I said, 'Come to the Skyline, I’ll be washing my sins away.' He just laughed, said 'I’ll be late, you know how I can be.'" The LP's 11 interconnected tracks follow a simple plot: the narrator goes to his neighborhood dive, finds out his ex is back in town, and she eventually shows up. While its overarching narrative is riveting, the real thrill of the album comes from how Shauf finds the humanity and humor in a typical night out and the ashes of a past relationship. For The Neon Skyline, Shauf chose to start each composition on guitar instead of his usual piano. Happy accidents like Shauf testing out a new spring reverb pedal and experimenting with tape machines forced him to simplify how he'd arrange the tracks. Over the course of a year-and-a-half, Shauf ended up with almost 50 songs all about the same night at the bar. Though paring down his massive body of work to a single album's worth of material was a challenge for Shauf, the final tracklist is seamless and fully-formed. |
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| DRIVE-BY TRUCKERS – THE UNRAVELING Drive-By Truckers are kicking off the new election year with The Unraveling, their first new album in 3 1/2 years (the longest space between new DBT albums ever). Those years were among the most tumultuous our country has ever seen and the duality between the generally positive state of affairs within the band and the turbulent world outside (or as Patterson Hood puts it: "watching so many things we care about be decimated and destroyed”) informed the writing of this album to the core. The Unraveling was recorded at the historic Sam Phillips Recording Service in Memphis, Tennessee over 85 hours, mostly live in the studio, aided by long-time producer David Barbe and famed engineer Matt Ross-Spang. |
| TOMMI LIIMATTA – LIIMATAN PAN ALLEY Sangen rajoitettu tuplavinyylipainos, jossa mukana toinen levyllinen aiemmin julkaisematonta materiaalia. Levyt ovat mustaa vinyyliä, lisäksi pakettiin oheistuu 12-sivuinen lehtinen, johon Tommi Liimatta on työstänyt merkittävän seikkaperäisen kertomuksen albumin vaiheista.
| PIIRPAUKE – PIIRPAUKE For more than three decades writers and critics have tried – in vain – to describe Piirpauke’s debut. Dizzy Gillespie put it aptly one time by declaring that bebop as a genre of music never existed. There was Miles Davis music, Thelonious Monk music, Charlie Parker music. Some 20 years later in this Nordic world-corner, there was Pekka Pohjola music, Tasavallan Presidentti music and Piirpauke music. Pohjola was a bit more influenced by classical music, Tasavallan Presidentti by Anglo-American pop and rock music and Piirpauke by ethnic folk musics. Each of them had modern jazz and free improvisation as one of their cornerstones. And they all made music that has survived easily for more than 30 years and which will continue to be acknowledged as timeless classics as the next decades pass by.
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| KAUKO RÖYHKÄ – TYTTÖJEN YSTÄVÄ Kauko Röyhkän ura Narttu-yhtyeen hajoamisen jälkeen 1990-luvun alkuhämärissä tuotti muutamankin merkittävän klassikkolevytyksen, joita olemme vähitellen julkaisseet pieninä uusintapainoksina. Aiempien Kaunis eläin- ja Jumalan lahja -uusintojen jälkeen otetaan askel taaksepäin, vuoden 1991 Tyttöjen ystävä -albumiin. Levy sisältää kirjailija Ari Väntäsen tuoreen Röyhkä -haastattelun albumin teosta.
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| REVEREND BIZARRE – RETURN TO THE RECTORY Now, for the second time in history, Return To The Rectory is available on its own and on vinyl. Wrapped in a thick foil-stamped gatefold cover featuring the Goya painting “Aquelarre”. The package also contains a large 12 page booklet including unseen material from the era.
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| REVEREND BIZARRE – IN THE RECTORY OF THE BIZARRE REVEREND New pressing of the arguably most important doom metal album of the past two millennia.
Mr Bongo vinyylikamppis voimassa 9.2.2020 saakka! Mr Bongo on Englannin Brightonista lähtöisin oleva levymerkki, joka on erikoistunut maailmanmusiikkiin. |
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