Konkhra - Sad Plight Of Lucifer LP
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Konkhra’s new album, Sad Plight of Lucifer, delivers their classic Scandinavian Death Metal sound with fresh intensity. Mixed by Tue Madsen, the album marks the band’s return to their roots, offering a powerful continuation of their legacy. Formed in 1989 Konkhra was part of the Extreme metal upstart in Scandinavia. This history of albums and tours is gigantic for a band that is around for 35+ years. The collaboration with Hammerheart has spawned reissues of some of the classic albums with more to come. Now its time for the new album “Sad Plight of Lucifer”.
1 Sad Plight of Lucifer
2 Revolution
3 Seven Plagues
4 Nothing Can Save You
5 The Lesser Key of Solomon
6 August.6 1945
7 Artificial Sun
8 Magick
9 Resurrection Machine
10 Gates of Paradise
11 Tentacles of Madness