Mano Negra - Puta's fever LP+CD
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- 5 LP reissues cut from the original masters and available for the first time on LP (CD incl.)
- Mano Negra the legendary first band of French singer Manu Chao. We are celebrating this year
the 30th anniversary of its foundation
- Original packagings have been strictly reproduced
- These albums have been unavailable on vinyl since their first original pressing
- The album “In The Hell Of Patchinko”, the live double album recorded in Japan in 1991, is
available officially for the first time on vinyl
- These 5 unique albums feature songs in Spanish, French, English and Arabic
A1. Mano Negra
A2. Rock’n’roll Band
A3. King Kong Five
A4. Soledad
A5. Sidi H’bibi
A6. The Rebel Spell
A7. Peligro
A8. Pas Assez De Toi
A9. Magic Dice
B1. Mad House
B2. Guayaquil City
B3. Voodoo
B4. Patchanka
B5. La Rançon Du Succès
B6. The Devil’s Call
B7. Roger Cageot
B8. El Sur
B9. Patchuko Hop