French Kiss Records
Thrashing Thru The Passion collects five new songs recorded this year alongside five acclaimed ones released digitally between...
25,90 €
Available 1 pc
Hot on the heels of releasing new single Legendary Tippers in January, Les Savy Fav are back with their first new album in 14 years! Almost...
32,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Hot on the heels of releasing new single Legendary Tippers in January, Les Savy Fav are back with their first new album in...
32,90 €
Available 0 pcs
- Uusi No Color -albumi jatkaa Dodosin perinteistä kovalla drivella eteenpäin hönkivää linjaa.
19,90 €
Available 1 pc
- Vielä vuosi sitten yhtyeen yllä leijui suuri kysymysmerkki kuullaanko Bloc Partyltä enää uutta materiaalia.
17,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Hänen laulunsa muistuttavat Warren Zevonia ja ehkä hieman Dinosaurus Jr:a. Tämä on hänen kolmas omalla nimellään, hän oli aiemmin...
18,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Thrashing Thru The Passion collects five new songs recorded this year alongside five acclaimed ones released digitally between...
18,90 €
Available 0 pcs
Hot on the heels of releasing new single Legendary Tippers in January, Les Savy Fav are back with their first new album in 14 years! Almost out...
15,90 €
Available 0 pcs